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The Northern Publishers' Fair will be back in 2022...


2021 saw the return of the Northern Publishers' Fair not once but twice! Held both times at Manchester Central Library, July saw the summer NPF whilst November saw a chilly (yet festive!) NPF.

Northern presses galore

We welcomed many presses, including Carcanet Press, Bluemoose Books, Saraband, Comma Press, Flapjack Press, Penfight, Stairwell Books, Confingo Publishing and more.

Live readings in abundance

The November NPF featured fabulous live readings from many talented individuals, including our very own Tina Tamsho-Thomas and Confingo Publishing's David Gaffney.

Safe browsing for all

With COVID-19 procedures in place for both events, staff and members of the public alike were able to enjoy a safe, welcoming environment throughout the day.

To the future...

And now, with a date TBC, we're so pleased to announce that the Northern Publishers' Fair WILL RETURN in 2022 (...pandemic allowing, of course. Who knows?! Let's remain optimistic, though). Watch this space!

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