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  • Writer's pictureBelle Kenyon

The Launch of Fly on the Wall Poetry Press!

Fly on the Wall Poetry Press has been created under the conviction that our words really do have power, and that as writers we can raise awareness of issues, and sway public opinion. This is certainly not something we should underestimate!

The Press will soon launch a new project - a submission call out will be announced under the Poetry Press page on my website. Submissions will open for three months on the theme 'Outsiders'.

I am looking for poems which respond to this theme in any way which you see fit. I am expecting there to be a wide range of interpretations - that's exactly what I want!

In the same way that themes emerged from submissions to Please Hear What I'm Not Saying, organically, I want to gather submissions together, comparing and contrasting. The charity will follow from these themes.

For example - you may interpret 'outsiders' as the homeless, the lonely elderly, sexual abuse survivors, 'the undesirables', the uneducated, the bullied - you name it, if you can make it fit, I want to read it.

You may like to think about a cause you would like to fundraise for as you write. This anthology will be much more fluid in that I want the charity (or charities) we raise money for, to be inspired by YOUR ideas. This means that you are in the driving seat.

If you feel passionate about something in society which makes you, or others, 'Outsiders', I want you to write about it.

Get brainstorming - and keep your eye out for that submission call!

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