Scarlett Ward in the Spotlight
I caught up with the busy bee that is Scarlett Ward! Scarlett is a artist and performance poet who will be performing at the...
Scarlett Ward in the Spotlight
Have we become disengaged from God? (A Book Review)
Author Interview: Cyrus Parker
Author Interview: Cheyenne Raine
Author Interview: Katie Lewington
I've got your next book covered.
Author Interview: Melissa Jennings
A Big Thank you
Winter Warmers
October Updates
LAUNCH: 'The Trees Whispered' is online!
Poet Interview: McKayla DeBonis
Author Interview: Fida Islaih
Author Interview: Leila Tualla
New Review for This is not a Spectacle
3 things 1984, Theresa May and Trump all have in common…
Open House for JUBILEE
Exciting News!
Book Review: Stephen Fry's 'The Hippopotamus'
REVIEW: "THIS IS NOT A SPECTACLE by Isabelle Kenyon is a chapbook that penetrates deep into the